Are Ads Right for Your Business?

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Are ads right for your business? The truth is, not every single business should run Facebook and Instagram ads for various reasons. To help you understand whether you and your business are a

Build Your Ads Using FREE Resources

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Facebook and Instagram ads are a paid form of advertising, but that doesn’t mean you need to pay for every aspect of your ads. Although you have to pay to run your ads, there are many FREE

How to Write Ad Copy if You’re Not a Copywriter

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One of the most important aspects of marketing is the copy! Before you let out a big *oh no sigh*, stick with me for a couple of minutes. Writing ad copy can be daunting, but it doesn’t need to be

How to Audit Existing Ad Campaigns

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Setting up your ads and switching the toggle to “ON” isn’t the last step in ad management. It’s just as important to make sure your ads are running at their full potential. Whether you just started

Creative Components of an Ad

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The creative components to an ad are arguably the most important, for obvious reasons! You need something that will make people stop scrolling.. Below are all the creative components

Types of campaign objective & definitions

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Types of campaign objectives & definitions